The Unchanging Christ!
The Unchanging CHRIST!
Hebrews 13:8–9 (NKJV)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. …”
Change comes to all areas of life. For example, this week I had to replace computers (all of them) and update software that I have been using for over 30 years. (Remember the old days of floppy disk). The change has been neither easy nor comfortable, but it is for the better. The difficult thing is changing the “mind set” of how things was done to the things of how things are done now.
Time changes us!! One day we are strong and healthy and the next day we are growing weaker. The circumstances, mood, and environments around us change. One day we our faith is strong and growing and then something happens, and we grow weaker. Some days are stable and other days are not. One thing is for sure, Heb 13;8 teaches us that “CHRIST is the same…”. He never changes!
The stability and blessing of being “in Christ” are the same.
Ephesians 1:3 (NKJV) “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”
With the passing of the years things changes. Christ is the steadfast Lord in faithfulness, Love and Grace. The circumstances in our lives will change and most often changes us but Christ is the answer to those changes.
The Bible teaches us that Christ is “unchanging”. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Christ is the source of strength and hope in all areas of life in this unstable world. It is a comfort to know and realize the stability that is “in Christ”. Is your life and soul safe “in Christ”. Read and Study your Bible on being in Christ. Start by reading the book of Ephesians.
The Word of God and the plan of salvation does not change. The world changes but GOD DOES NOT! Christ is the foundation on which to build and stable life. Let us learn the value of trusting the unchanging Christ.
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