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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Doing the Work of the Lord 11/06/22 Doing the Work of the Lord Andy Addison Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Doing_the_Work_of_the_Lordwp110622pm.pptx.pdf
Nov 2022 Singing 11/02/22 Nov 2022 Singing Multiple Singing Monthly Singing Wednesday Bible Study
Luke 16:10 10/30/22 Luke 16:10 Rickey Kay Bible Class The Book of Luke Sunday Bible Study
Greatness 10/30/22 Greatness Andy Addison Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Greatness.pptx
Good News - Bad News 10/30/22 Good News - Bad News Burnell Scoggins Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship
One Hill, Three Men, and Three Crosses 10/27/22 One Hill, Three Men, and Three Crosses Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting
Loving God with All Our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength 10/26/22 Loving God with All Our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting
Three Essential Convictions for Conversion 10/25/22 Three Essential Convictions for Conversion Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting
Three Essential Convictions for Conversion 10/25/22 Three Essential Convictions for Conversion Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting
Easy and Light Christianity 10/24/22 Easy and Light Christianity Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting Easy_and_Light_Christianity.mp3
Physical and Spiritual Life Cycles 10/23/22 Physical and Spiritual Life Cycles Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting Life_Cycles.ppt
Flawed or Faultless Hero 10/23/22 Flawed or Faultless Hero Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting
Losing Our Faith 10/23/22 Losing Our Faith Philip Strong Sermon Gospel Meeting 2022 Gospel Meeting
Luke 16:1 10/16/22 Luke 16:1 Rickey Kay Bible Class The Book of Luke Sunday Bible Study
You are Making the Decision 10/16/22 You are Making the Decision Andy Addison Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Decisionswp10-16-2022.pptx
Hebrews 10/16/22 Hebrews Andy Addison Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Hebrews__Overview.pptx
What Saves Us Today? 10/10/22 What Saves Us Today? Andy Addison Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship What_Saves_Man_in_Todays_World_WP_10-09-22.pptx
Luke 15:25. The Older Son 10/10/22 Luke 15:25. The Older Son Rickey Kay Bible Class The Book of Luke Sunday AM Worship
Privilege 10/09/22 Privilege Andy Addison Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Privilege_of_Being_a_Christian_wp_10-9-2022.pptx
A Study of the Prodigal Son's (Older Brother) 10/02/22 A Study of the Prodigal Son's (Older Brother) Rickey Kay Bible Class The Book of Luke Sunday Bible Study

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